River Oaks Property Owners Association Board Meeting Minutes
Attendees : Board Members: Nix, Roberson; Officers: Fowler, House, Long, Underwood Business : Fowler called the meeting to order at 7:10pm at the club house at River Oaks golf course. Approval of Minutes : The minutes of the previous meeting of the POA board ( 30 August 2022 ) were approved (moved by Nix, seconded by Roberson). Open Discussion : Fowler reported that there were so many statements to be circulated to the members that the recommendation was to mail them out with the call for the annual meeting so that the members will have the information in print in their hands. This mailout will be sent in early January when the Harding Press workers are available. He noted especially the call for the annual meeting on January 24 at the Extension Service Building and the discounted assessment. The board had received that document, as well as the statements on solar panels and short-term leases, earlier and had revie...