River Oaks Property Owners Association Board Meeting Minutes

Attendees:  Board Members:  Davis, Finley, Nix, and Roberson; Officers:  Fowler, Long, Underwood; Others:  House.

Business:  Fowler called the meeting to order at 5:30pm at the conference room of Finley’s office.

Approval of Minutes:  Suspended

Board Actions:

Drainage issues:  Larry Pierce, Greyson Spears, Charles Underwood, and David Bolin have had long standing drainage issues and Fowler updated the Board on these past issues.  He reported that the mayor and city engineer have been informed about the problems in River Oaks and they acknowledge that the problem is city-wide.  Roberson added that Golf Course drive has the same issue at the Abrams property.  The Board recommended that POA be supportive of the residents who have experienced drainage issues.  After having that conversation, Fowler was advised to go back to the mayor one more time.

Lot issue:  Underwood reported that there is an issue with merged lots that is being addressed by the county assessor.

Entryway signage policy:  Underwood asked for a written policy regarding signage being placed at the entryway.  Fowler said that the signs should be placed only on the sides of the entryway but not on the nose of the entryway in front of the River Oaks sign.  Nix noted that Hot Springs Village has a uniform-sign-only policy and encouraged the Board to look at their website.  Finley moved, and Nix seconded to have Fowler draft a policy regarding signage at the entryway.  The motion carried. 

Policy for Lien Filing:  Underwood reported that the county clerk’s office charges a $15 fee per filing to set a lien.  Based on the current number of accounts in arrears, the cost to the POA to file liens would be $3375.  Therefore, Underwood suggests that, even though the POA has the policy on setting liens, only approximately $1000 has been written off in four years, so it would actually be better economically to collect the back assessments whenever the properties are sold or refinanced.  The Board agreed to this recommendation. 

Lawn Service Contract:  Underwood reported a $20 per month increase in Hobbs Lawn Care bill.

Assessments:  Underwood presented the financial report to introduce a discussion of the annual assessments.  Collections have improved, and closing companies have been more faithful in following up on past due accounts when properties have changed hands or been refinanced.  Fowler noted that a reserve fund is a good thing as unexpected expenses should be anticipated.  The Board agreed to continue the discussion of assessments and to check with the attorney about how assessments might be handled in the future.

Square Footage Restrictions:  Ed McMullen has been asked a question about restrictions on the square footage for a house in River Oaks.  Not having found any guidance, McMullen has suggested that the requirement be for home to be consistent with others on the street where the lot is located.  Roberson, however, affirmed that the phases do have such limits in the covenant specific to each phase.  Therefore, the covenants need to be checked in order to know for sure what restrictions apply in each specific phase of River Oaks.  Underwood confirmed that in Article II for phase 8 a specific limitation is stated.

Summer activities-Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day:  An activities director should be placed in charge of these activities.  Finley said that Spears might be willing.  Nix recommended renting a Kona Ice truck, and Finley suggested having a food truck festival. 


Online presence:  Fowler will contact Jim Miller regarding the articles that his students were assigned to write. 


Next Meeting:  No date for a future meeting was set. 

Adjournment:  Roberson moved to adjourn the meeting, Finley seconded, and the meeting adjourned at 6:23PM.

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