River Oaks Property Owners Association Board Meeting Minutes -16 February 2022

Attendees:  Board Members:  England, Finley, Nix; Officers:  Fowler, Long, Underwood

Business:  Fowler called the meeting to order at 4:00pm at the conference room of Finley’s office.

Approval of Minutes:  The minutes of the previous meeting (2 December 2021) of the POA board were approved (moved by Finley, seconded by Nix).

Board Actions:

New Board Members:  Fowler talked about the failure of any nominations for the Board to be submitted to replace England who is stepping down.  The issue is whether, according to the bylaws, the Board members need to offer an election or whether they can simply make the appointment as they have done in the past.  Since the members failed to make nominations (via solicitations through the mail, email, and orally at the meeting), the Board has the right to fill the position by the vote of the remaining members, according to a letter from the attorney stating that such a procedure is in fact appropriate.  The Board discussed Dan Roberson and Todd Davis, who are both willing to and interested in serving the POA.  Nix moved to appoint both, based on the attorney’s letter and the failure of members to submit nominations for an election, using the procedure in the bylaws.  Finley seconded the motion.  The motion carried. 

New Leadership Committee Member:  Finley reported that Greg Spears wants to be involved with the POA as well and agreed to recruit Spears for the leadership committee.  Spears and Finley are planning to develop a report of street lights that are not functioning and submitting it to Entergy.  Fowler noted that Entergy doesn’t have a phone number to report light poles that are not functioning so people will need to call the non-emergency number of the police (501-268-3531).  Underwood was asked to make this information available on the website.

Recommendation for Posting:  Nix recommended that a future blog post include the names of all the Board members and executive committee members. 

Online Election Discussion:  Underwood said that with 410 members, and 265 email addresses currently on file, the POA ought to consider an online voting system for future elections.  He recommended the use of Association Voting to do the voting and agreed to send the information to all the committee members.  The Board approved that recommendation and authorized Underwood to proceed.    

Golf View Entryway Issue:  Fowler said that Donnie Miller, former Board member, was in the process of getting the charges for the lighting at the entryway to the Golf View area shifted from Miller’s personal account to the POA account.  England moved approval of the procedure, Nix seconded, and the Board approved the motion. 

Financial Update:  Underwood is planning to provide a payment history to all who have not received one.  Underwood also reported that he had visited a POA in Little Rock that has posted signs at entrances to the area announcing when the POA assessments were due.  Underwood suggested that the Board do the same.  The Board discussed whether a QR code could be included on the sign and/or on other printed materials.  Underwood noted that the collection of dues through refinancing of properties and through sale of property has been robust in the past months. 

RightFiber and Harding TV:  Following up on a request from a property owner, Fowler contacted RightFiber regarding their adding Harding TV to their service. When he followed up with Harding, Fowler discovered that Harding TV was being provided through an app on Roku. 

Newsletter:  England suggested hiring someone to do a monthly newsletter.  Fowler is following up on this suggestion.

Next Meeting:  No date for a future meeting was set. 

Adjournment:  Finley moved to adjourn the meeting, Nix seconded, and the meeting adjourned at 4:50 PM.

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