ROPOA Board Meeting Minutes, 5 November 2020

Attendees: Board Members: Finley, Long; Officers: Fowler, Underwood, McMullen

Business: Fowler called the meeting to order at 5:00pm at the Club House of the Course at River Oaks.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting of the POA board (21 July 2020) were approved (moved by Long, seconded by Finley).
Open Discussion: Fowler reported that 242 proxies had been submitted. Since the addition has 459 lots, the quorum necessary to have an official meeting is 230. Therefore, the Board is now able to call the annual meeting session. Finley then moved and Long seconded setting the annual meeting for any day between November 23 and December 3, contingent on the availability of the meeting venue. The motion carried. Fowler will contact the Carmichael Center to finalize the meeting date. Underwood opened a discussion of those having multiple lots should have those lots evaluated to see if they are buildable; only buildable lots should be charged an assessment fee. The board will await a report from Charles Underwood but plans not to assess lots that are not buildable. Underwood reported that there is currently $2100 in the ROPOA account.
Next Meeting: No date for a future meeting was set.
Adjournment: Finley moved to adjourn the meeting, Long seconded, and the meeting adjourned at 5:30pm.

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