ROPOA Board Meeting Minutes, 21 July 2020
Attendees: Board Members: Finley, Long; Officers: Fowler, Underwood; Others: House
Business: Fowler called the meeting to order at 11:35AM
at the River Oaks Clubhouse.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting of the
POA board (5-28-20) were approved (moved by Long, seconded by Finley).
Board Actions:
Fowler opened the discussion about the protocol on follow up to non-compliance
with covenant policies. He explained the
background of the document being addressed and distributed the document that
included revisions suggested by attorney Chris Bryant. House and Fowler discussed the difference
between the city codes and the POA covenants.
Finley suggested some revision to the language about “complaining
member” and the Board agreed to address that language. Other suggestions ensued. Finley moved to accept the document in
principle pending some emendations of language, Long seconded the motion, and
it carried.
Underwood updated the Board on financial matters. His report showed that among those who have
paid their 2020 assessments, 54 members have voluntarily paid the $48 level
(63%), a response level that is gratifying to the Board.
Fowler reported that the lights were reworked at the
front entrance and the shrubs have been removed. The repainting of the entry sign is in
process, following which new shrubs will be planted.
Underwood pointed out the correct legal name of the
organization, based on the official registration documents, is River Oaks
Property Owners’ Association, Inc.
Therefore, he recommended that the Board be consistent in using that
name and the acronym ROPOA.
After discussion of the CoVID 19 guidelines from the
Governor, the Board determined that scheduling a meeting of the POA membership
is still on hold until restrictions are changed.
Next Meeting: No date for a future meeting was set.
Adjournment: Long moved to adjourn the meeting, Finley
seconded, and the meeting adjourned at 12:15PM.