ROPOA Board Meeting Minutes, 21 April 2020


Board Members:  England, Finley, Long

Officers:  Fowler, Underwood

Business:  Fowler called the meeting to order at 9:37 a.m. via Zoom.

Approval of Minutes:  The minutes of the previous meeting of the POA board (3-2-20) were approved (moved by Finley, seconded by England).

Board Actions: Fowler opened the discussion by noting that due to the continuing situation with the quarantine, the Board needs to wait on an annual meeting.  He then asked what and how should we communicate with the property owners given the circumstances.  Fowler noted that Ann Harrington will be posting on the Living in River Oaks FB site information about the Searcy program Big Bloomin’ Weekend.  She can also help with public announcements.  Finley said using her skills to communicate is a positive.  Fowler said that the blog is also available and can be used to help communicate with the membership.  In addition, Fowler has an email list of approximately 200 of the ROPOA members.  England encouraged the Board not to miss any opportunity to connect with the blog and the email addresses because of the cost of postcards and especially letters.  The Board needs to add email addresses to Fowler’s list and needs to encourage the ROPOA members to provide the email addresses and log in to the blog for information and possibly weekly updates. 

Fowler stated that the key urgency is to encourage the payment of assessment fees because there are continuing expenses that must be met.  He added that we may have to have a vote by mail since we can’t have a meeting to approve the adjustment in assessments that the Board is recommending. 

The Board agreed that using the Living in River Oaks FB page and the blog to communicate information to the membership according to a fixed schedule (weekly, every Monday, every 10 days. Etc.) would be a good plan.  The Board also agreed that videos can also be used to make key points and Harrington would be good at setting those videos up.  The goal would be to push everyone to the Blogspot for ROPOA information.  The Board agreed that mailing a postcard now with bullet points that directs the members to the communication sites would be better than a long discussion. 

The Board briefly discussing a strategy of reducing the assessment adjustment, but determined that the adjustment to $48 was based on a realistic budget and would be sufficient for some time in the future so changing it would not really be helpful. 

The meeting closed with Fowler and Long agreeing to communicate with Harrington about the communication pieces.

Next Meeting:  No date for a future meeting was set. 

Adjournment:  Finley moved to adjourn the meeting. Long seconded, and the meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.



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