Call for Annual Meeting and Assessment Update

The Board of the River Oaks Property Owners Association commends the property owners for their cooperation in paying their assessments and supporting the Board’s work.  The latest report from the treasurer shows that, over the past four years, 75% of the property owners have paid their assessments in full, thus allowing the Board to maintain its budget and to accrue sufficient funds to have the contingency that they have been planning for. 

Annual Assessment:  Based on these facts, although authorized to collect an annual assessment of $48.00, the Board has approved discounting the annual assessment for 2023 to $24.00 per lot.  Assuming continued support at the same level from the property owners, the collection of the reduced assessment will meet the projected budget and fund the activities being planned by the Board.  This is a temporary discount, and the Board retains the right to collect the assessment at the $48 level (as previously approved by the membership) if and when it is necessary.

Annual Meeting:  The Board also announces that the 2023 Annual Meeting will be held at 7:00pm on January 24 at the White County Cooperative Extension Service Building off Davis Drive. 

Nominations for Board Position:  At the annual meeting one item on the agenda will be the election of one new board member to replace Scott Finley who is completing his term.  Please send your nominations to before January 20.

Update your email address:  Since the board approved email as the official communication tool for the POA, each member needs to be sure that the POA has a correct email on file.  Please send your current email address to

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting on January 24.

Thanks to all of you for making River Oaks a wonderful community!


The Board of the River Oaks Property Owners Association

Todd Davis      Scott Finley       Ryan Nix       Dan Roberson

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