River Oaks Property Owners Association Board Meeting Minutes
Attendees : Board Members: Davis, Finley, Nix, and Roberson; Officers: Fowler, Long, Underwood; Others: House. Business : Fowler called the meeting to order at 5:30pm at the conference room of Finley’s office. Approval of Minutes : Suspended Board Actions : Drainage issues : Larry Pierce, Greyson Spears, Charles Underwood, and David Bolin have had long standing drainage issues and Fowler updated the Board on these past issues. He reported that the mayor and city engineer have been informed about the problems in River Oaks and they acknowledge that the problem is city-wide. Roberson added that Golf Course drive has the same issue at the Abrams property. The Board recommended that POA be supportive of the residents who have experienced drainage issues. After having that conversation, Fowler was advised to go back to the mayor one more time. Lot issue : Underwood reported that there is an issue with merged lots that is...