River Oaks Property Owners Association Board Meeting Minutes, 30 March 2021


River Oaks Property Owners Association Annual Meeting      

Minutes, 30 March 2021


Attendees:  Board Members:  England, Finley, Long; Officers:  Fowler, House, Underwood, Others:  19 others were in-person attendees.

Confirmation of Notification:  Residents were notified by mail or by email.

Roll Call:  Attendees were signed in, proxy votes were counted, but a quorum was not achieved.  The meeting was continued although no vote could be made. 

Business:  Fowler called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm at the Carmichael Community Center.

Approval of Minutes:  The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting of the POA board (23 November 2020) was suspended, and the minutes were approved (moved by Howe, seconded by Harrington).


Underwood reported on the finances of the POA and invited attendees to refer to the information found on the Facebook page and the blog for further data.   He also made available copies of the end-of-year financials.  Underwood reported that first quarter numbers would be posted within a couple of days on the blog and website.  He reported that for 2020 the POA had revenue of $11,114.00 and a cash balance of $3,571.92.  He reminded the members that loans and donations covered around $8000 of previous expenses and added that the loans had all been repaid at this time.  Underwood noted that as of the end of March 2021 a total of 83% of the property owners had paid their 2019 dues; for 2020 the current total is 55%; and for 2021 16%.  Underwood reminded the members that May 31 is the deadline to pay before the dues are delinquent.  Based on the fact that there is currently no debt and the cash on hand is sufficient, Underwood projected that, if members continue to pay their dues at a high level, the board may consider rolling back the assessment in future years.    

Election of Board Member:  Fowler then turned to the business of the annual meeting, electing a new member of the Board to replace Long.  The new Board member would be elected for a three-year term, as per the By-Laws, as will all subsequent Board members.  Because insufficient proxies had been submitted and not enough members were present to achieve a quorum, the election was continued until sufficient proxies were received.  Fowler did introduce Greenway and Nix, the two candidates.

Continued Business:  There was none.

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