River Oaks Property Owners Association Board Meeting Minutes, 21 January 2021


River Oaks Property Owners Association Board Meeting      

Minutes, 21 January 2021


Attendees:  Board Members:  England, Finley, Long; Officers:  Fowler, Underwood

Business:  Fowler called the meeting to order at 10:00AM via Zoom hosted by Finley. 

Approval of Minutes:  The minutes of the previous meeting of the POA board (29 November 2020) were approved (moved by England, seconded by Finley).

Board Actions:

Approval of $48 per lot assessment for 2021.  The Board discussed the approval and the timeline for collecting the annual assessment for 2021.  The Finley moved and England seconded to implement the $48.00 assessment for 2021 as approved at the last annual meeting and to set May 31, 2021 as the deadline for submission of the assessment.  The motion passed.    

2021 Annual Meeting.  After discussion, Finley moved and Long seconded to set the date of March 30 for the 2021 Annual meeting, contingent on Covid-19 guidelines in place at that time, with the venue to be determined at a later time.  The motion passed.    

Handling past-due assessments and discussion of late fee.  Underwood reported that approximately three out of four members had paid the 2019 assessment and that the 2020 payment rate is just below fifty percent.  After discussion of how to respond to the significant shortage caused by these delayed payments, England moved to set May 31, 2021 as the deadline for late payments and after that date to assess a late fee of 10% per year for unpaid assessments beginning with the 2019 assessment ($12) and including the 2020 assessment ($48), with the 10% late fee to be a standing policy.  Long seconded the motion and it carried.

Discussion of liability insurance quotes. Finley reported that he had received an updated quote for liability insurance from Stephens, the current provider, that announced a substantial increase in the premium.  Finley noted that liability insurance was pricey and continuing to escalate in cost.  However, Fowler and he had contacted another provider, Haymond Insurance, that had made a quote for approximately $1800 for this year, a savings of approximately $1300.  Finley noted that this was likely a one-year savings that would be greatly increased in subsequent years, but recommended that the Board accept the lower bid.  Finley moved to approve the quote from Haymond, Long seconded the motion and it carried. 

Discussion of replacements for Long (board) and Fowler (president).  The Board discussed developing a list of potential Board members and officers to replace Long, whose term will end with this year’s annual meeting, and Fowler, who would like to step aside from the office of President which he currently holds.  The Board decided to ask the POA members for recommendations and volunteers to serve in these and other capacities.  Fowler agreed to meet with Ann Harrington to develop strategies to promote this search.

Discussion of plan to obtain email addresses for ROPOA members. Underwood noted that about half of the members have submitted email addresses, now the official method of communication with the membership.  Fowler suggested that the Board consider ways to encourage everyone who has an email address to provide it to the POA to facilitate communication.

Discussion of how to encourage self-compliance with covenants.  Finley suggested that every communication from the Board to the members should include a plea for self-compliance, a request for volunteers for the officer and Board positions, and a reminder to pay the assessments. 

Next Meeting:  No date for a future meeting was set. 

Adjournment:  Finley moved to adjourn the meeting, England seconded, and the meeting adjourned at 10:45AM.

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