River Oaks Property Owners Association Board Meeting Minutes, 7 July 2021
River Oaks Property Owners Association Board Meeting
Minutes, 7 July 2021
Attendees: Board Members: Finley; Officers: Fowler, Underwood
Business: Fowler called the meeting to order at 9:00AM.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting of the
POA board (29 November 2020) were suspended.
Board Actions:
Discussion of Attorney’s opinion on
elections of Board members.
Having reviewed the letter dated 7-6-2021 from attorney Chris Bryant,
those in attendance discussed how to deal with his recommendations. They decided to accept his opinion on the
by-laws, having an election and allowing proxy votes whenever a new Board
member is needed. If that election fails
to achieve a quorum, then the remaining Board members will be empowered to
appoint someone to serve. As Bryant
points out, this process follows the current bylaws.
Discussion of drainage issues. Those in attendance agreed to contact Mark
Lane on two drainage issues: 902 Golf
View (Charles Underwood) and 600 River Oaks Boulevarde (Larry Pierce). Lane has agreed to meet with the mayor and then
get back with Fowler.
Discussion Ritter project in River Oaks.
Underwood reported that he is working on getting a meeting date with Jeff
Chapman of RightFiber to discuss their new service in the River Oaks
neighborhood and to get information regarding their plans to deal with the
damage caused by their digging. Several
complaints have been noted.
Discussion of placing liens on River Oaks
properties being sold by offices outside of White County. Fowler reported that Board member England had
suggested the possibility of filing liens on property in the River Oaks POA
that is being sold through offices outside of White County. That process would allow the POA to collect
unpaid assessments. Currently the local
title companies are doing a good job of collecting the unpaid fees. Fowler agreed to check with the POA attorney
regarding this possibility.
Next Meeting: No date for a future meeting was set.
Adjournment: Finley moved to adjourn the meeting, Underwood
seconded, and the meeting adjourned at 10:30am.