River Oaks Property Owners Association Board Meeting Minutes, 7 July 2021
River Oaks Property Owners Association Board Meeting Minutes, 7 July 2021 Attendees : Board Members: Finley; Officers: Fowler, Underwood Business : Fowler called the meeting to order at 9:00AM. Approval of Minutes : The minutes of the previous meeting of the POA board (29 November 2020) were suspended. Board Actions : Discussion of Attorney’s opinion on elections of Board members . Having reviewed the letter dated 7-6-2021 from attorney Chris Bryant, those in attendance discussed how to deal with his recommendations. They decided to accept his opinion on the by-laws, having an election and allowing proxy votes whenever a new Board member is needed. If that election fails to achieve a quorum, then the remaining Board members will be empowered to appoint someone to serve. As Bryant points out, this process follows the current bylaws. Discussion of drainage issu...