ROPOA Board Update, 11 October 2019
The ROPOA Board invited Mike Ragsdale, a River Oaks resident who has extensive experience in law enforcement and safety/security issues, to talk about the effectiveness of the Nextdoor River Oaks App and related issues. Ragsdale affirmed that, because of the Nextdoor App and the increased communication it encourages, River Oaks is a harder target for criminal activity than it was in the past. He encouraged the Board to promote the App in the River Oaks community, to provide an article to the Daily Citizen about safety measures being taken, and to initiate a Nextdoor committee to manage and support the resource. Ragsdale also endorsed the effectiveness of the Ring Video Doorbell system and urged community members to report issues to the local police.
Currently 146 lots have paid their $12 annual assessment with several including extra funding to cover the current shortfall of funds. The Board thanks those who have already submitted their assessments and reminds other ROA residents to submit their assessments before the end of the year.
The Board will be sending an official letter to the realtors, title companies, and closing offices to confirm the ROPOA’s assessments and to establish the protocol of having those entities communicate the assessment to their clients. The Board also discussed and approved a list of Architectural Standards, which are now posted on the River Oaks blog ( Until an Architectural Standards Committee is appointed, the Board itself will be serving as the ACC.
Based on these Architectural Standards, the Board ruled on one application for an out building.
The Board continues to seek additional volunteers to serve with them to help administer the ROPOA. Those with skills in accounting, management, and legal areas would be especially helpful. Please speak to a Board member or current officer if you are interested in serving.
The Board discussed some city code issues, including obstructed visibility on some street corners. The Board determined that these violations of code should be reported to the city code enforcement office.
Two representatives of the Board had a productive meeting with the Phil Watkins, at the Searcy Code Enforcement office. Topics discussed included code regulations regarding rental properties, home-based businesses, obstructed visibility on street corners, yard sales, trailer parking, on-street parking, and fences. Watkins encouraged the Board to report code issues to the office.
To facilitate communication with all the residents of the River Oaks POA, the Board is asking that everyone send an email address to Since some residents do not receive emails currently, the Board asks that those who do encourage their neighbors to submit their email addresses so that more residents will receive the electronic communications from the Board. The Board wants everyone to get the updates as soon as they come out.
The River Oaks Addition POA Board,
Jimmie England
Scott Finley
Larry Long
Currently 146 lots have paid their $12 annual assessment with several including extra funding to cover the current shortfall of funds. The Board thanks those who have already submitted their assessments and reminds other ROA residents to submit their assessments before the end of the year.
The Board will be sending an official letter to the realtors, title companies, and closing offices to confirm the ROPOA’s assessments and to establish the protocol of having those entities communicate the assessment to their clients. The Board also discussed and approved a list of Architectural Standards, which are now posted on the River Oaks blog ( Until an Architectural Standards Committee is appointed, the Board itself will be serving as the ACC.
Based on these Architectural Standards, the Board ruled on one application for an out building.
The Board continues to seek additional volunteers to serve with them to help administer the ROPOA. Those with skills in accounting, management, and legal areas would be especially helpful. Please speak to a Board member or current officer if you are interested in serving.
The Board discussed some city code issues, including obstructed visibility on some street corners. The Board determined that these violations of code should be reported to the city code enforcement office.
Two representatives of the Board had a productive meeting with the Phil Watkins, at the Searcy Code Enforcement office. Topics discussed included code regulations regarding rental properties, home-based businesses, obstructed visibility on street corners, yard sales, trailer parking, on-street parking, and fences. Watkins encouraged the Board to report code issues to the office.
To facilitate communication with all the residents of the River Oaks POA, the Board is asking that everyone send an email address to Since some residents do not receive emails currently, the Board asks that those who do encourage their neighbors to submit their email addresses so that more residents will receive the electronic communications from the Board. The Board wants everyone to get the updates as soon as they come out.
The River Oaks Addition POA Board,
Jimmie England
Scott Finley
Larry Long