
Showing posts from 2019

ROPOA Board Update, 11 October 2019

The ROPOA Board invited Mike Ragsdale, a River Oaks resident who has extensive experience in law enforcement and safety/security issues, to talk about the effectiveness of the Nextdoor River Oaks App and related issues.  Ragsdale affirmed that, because of the Nextdoor App and the increased communication it encourages, River Oaks is a harder target for criminal activity than it was in the past.  He encouraged the Board to promote the App in the River Oaks community, to provide an article to the Daily Citizen about safety measures being taken, and to initiate a Nextdoor committee to manage and support the resource. Ragsdale also endorsed the effectiveness of the Ring Video Doorbell system and urged community members to report issues to the local police. Currently 146 lots have paid their $12 annual assessment with several including extra funding to cover the current shortfall of funds.  The Board thanks those who have already submitted their assessments and reminds other...

POA Board Letter to Members

August 12, 2019 Dear River Oaks Property Owners Association Members: In order to inform all the members of the River Oaks Property Owners Association, the Board of the River Oaks Property Owners Association is providing the following update. On June 11, a quorum of the members, in person or by proxy, approved the following slate of Board members by a margin of 84% for and 16% against:   Jimmie England; Scott Finley; Larry Long On July 15, The Board approved a budget of $7,500 for 2019, including the following projected expenses: Common area maintenance                                           $2,700 Water & Electric in Common areas                     ...